Friday, April 12, 2013

Art: Faces, Vases, and Style

What makes something art? What makes some forms of 'art' more popular than others?
Because art is in the eye of the beholder. And taste varies. So does style.

 For example, If you asked three different people to draw "a picture of a girl's face, with bangs, big eyes, and a small mouth, drawn with a brush pen," you might get something like the following results:

(I'm not using the real names of these artists.)



As you can see, we got varied results, but all three stuck to the guidelines(Ann had the eyes closed, but they are still big).  And they all look different because the artists had different tastes, and probably were feeling differently when they were drawn.

 Okay, if taste varies, why will most people agree that the vase on the left is most childlike,the one in the center is the prettiest, and the one on the right looks more disco-y?

Because our minds have 'guidelines'. take the one in the center; it has delicate lace-y leaf designs, a smooth, curvy, natural shape;the other two are irregular and loud, but at least they look 'modern'...

The point is that several  things can effect our views of art; opinion, taste, style, and how much we appreciate the work of others and ourselves.