Thursday, February 28, 2013

Sugestions & Advice for Young Artists

Practice, practice, practice! .... Okay, even if you have read the smallest amount of art-lesson books, taken any art lessons, or asked anyone vaguely arty, you have probably heard that again and again.
So, here are some art tips that you will probibly be a bit more interested in
#1: Keep an art portfolio. it will turn out to be insanely usefull to look back on your work, and to have some place too keep the stuff.
#2: Look in other art, like in museums or even other peoples work. Then you can say, "I like these colors for this design." or, "I like the shape of this face, but not the hairstyle; I like that hair better." or, "Oh! I had never thought of drawing something like that, but it's cool!"  I often look at other sources, or my own older work, for inspiration.
#3: Practi Don't just look at one art course/book/source for your art lessons. There is no 'right' way to draw or sculpt or make music. Look at all sorts of ways to do it, than try your own style based on what you have learned.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Hello! a simple craft

Hi! I'm Stella  and I love Art. Art is a beautiful, expressive thing, in every form it takes; paintings, statues, crafts, music... all art! Art is a wonderful way of opening doors, showing ones inner self, and honoring God.  Art is everywhere,in the plants, animals and even fungi...A whole world of art. In this blog, I'm going to show you all sorts of colorful,beautiful drawings, paintings, and crafts... And the beauty of the world around us.

The picture below shows a simple friendship bracelet/ necklace.
take three strands of differently colored yarn, and double two over.
Tie them with the third strand and start braiding the five strands. When you reach the end of the shortest strand, tie off and cut the rest off except the longest, which you cut off all but an inch or two of. Tie it into a lasso,so that you can use it as a clasp. You will end up with a beautiful stripped designed bracelet, perfect for gifts or prizes.