Saturday, March 23, 2013

Getting Ready for Summer??!!

Its barely spring! Why am I making a blog post about summer stuff when yesterday was the first day of spring!?  Answer: because if you have any young brothers or sisters, you might want to start stocking up now.  This is a water-balloon-made-out-of-paper, so they are single use, and when you fill one up with water, you have to use it pretty quickly.  This is called a water bomb.

 You start out with a square of paper (if it's a rectangle instead of a square, this won't work). you crease it on one side, so it looks like a triangle. unfold it, then crease it on the other two corners. Then crease it in the center.

It should look like this:

Then comes the hardest part. You can see six triangles? Take the smallest four and tuck them inside the largest two.

I find it useful to shape it like a cone while folding the first time.
When you finish with both sides, it should look something like this:

The picture on the left shows what you should be seeing if you look t it through the top.

Then, fold up the two corners to make a diamond on one side at a time.

It should look like the below:

Then,fold in the sides of the diamond to look like the picture(I often have to tape it so it stays put).

 After that, fold the flaps on the top in, then do the same thing on the other side so it looks like the below geometrical shape... a somethingagon...
So here's the fun part; when your ready to use your water bomb, you blow up the somethingagon through the open end(in the finished picture its the bottom part). it will look something like a cube.

                  So here, you see the pictures of before, after, and after.  hope you have fun!

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Habemus Papem!

We have a new pope! And, since, half an hour after the announcement(but more than half an hour before we got to see him!)  I got bored of waiting so long a bit fidgety, so, being me, I wanted to draw a picture.. of the new pope, obviously! One problem, however: We couldn't see him. We had no idea what he looked like! So I drew in big letters on the top, HABEMUS,  and, on the bottom, PAPEM.
After that(and after told that I had misspelled it; I had spelled it ABEMUS PAPAM!), I drew the hands, body, and not the head. so as soon as he came out, I drew his face into the picture. I also added in the name on the lower left.
Habemus Papem! Viva Papem!

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Drawing Cats: The Importance of Details

Kinda mehh.
So I take an ordinary sheet of paper, and draw a normal short-hair cat. Takes about a minute. it turns out like:

Better, but a bit unreal.
OK, so there is nothing really wrong with it, its very painfully obviously paper. so I added a little shading, took about thirty seconds, and ended up with:

Cool...For a floating head.
Something that looks like a cat balloon! Though, really, when I said short-haired, I did not mean 'so-short-haired-I-cant-see-any-hair-at-all'. So I make the circular edge of the cats head a bit jagged, to look more like real fur. Then, I draw some short lines over the original shading in the same direction as the fur is going. It works better than you would think. I also add more shape to the muzzle and a bit of ear fur. Might sound extensive, but only takes a minute or two. And now it looks like:

Much better! Now, I draw a body, some tabby stripes, and a bit of brown, orange and green (and a splash of red for the nose!), and there we go!