Thursday, March 7, 2013

Drawing Cats: The Importance of Details

Kinda mehh.
So I take an ordinary sheet of paper, and draw a normal short-hair cat. Takes about a minute. it turns out like:

Better, but a bit unreal.
OK, so there is nothing really wrong with it, its very painfully obviously paper. so I added a little shading, took about thirty seconds, and ended up with:

Cool...For a floating head.
Something that looks like a cat balloon! Though, really, when I said short-haired, I did not mean 'so-short-haired-I-cant-see-any-hair-at-all'. So I make the circular edge of the cats head a bit jagged, to look more like real fur. Then, I draw some short lines over the original shading in the same direction as the fur is going. It works better than you would think. I also add more shape to the muzzle and a bit of ear fur. Might sound extensive, but only takes a minute or two. And now it looks like:

Much better! Now, I draw a body, some tabby stripes, and a bit of brown, orange and green (and a splash of red for the nose!), and there we go!


  1. Awesome cat! Could you do a tutorial kind of thing for an outdoor scene, like the mountains, a garden, etc.?

  2. Great idea! would love to do that sometime!
